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The Goal Oriented Scholar

A workbook to help you set your goals for the new academic semester in a way that will make sure they are REALISTIC! While I have explored the topic on the show, I felt we need more than just the tried and true advice we can find on Google—we need a framework we can apply to our situation. So let's get to work! Pay what you want for the workbook. Seriously, you can get the workbook for just $1.


Graduate school can feel like the ultimate open ended question.

If you are in a research-based graduate program you have almost no structure in most cases. you select your classes, you shape your research agenda, you dictate the pace of your progress in your program besides a few, large spread out milestones (think Master's thesis, qualifying exam, dissertation defense). This in itself can be very overwhelming.

Inside The Goal OrienteD Scholar you’ll find:

  • Exercises to help you determine which goals to pursue

  • Quick and effective time accounting page to make sure you have a full view of all your responsibilities in the coming semester

  • Resources to help you with the next steps after you’ve figured out your goals

    • My favorite time management tips + hacks

    • A podcast playlist all about goal-setting

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